Northfielders for Justice in Palestine / Israel

Past Programs & Events

Archive of NJP/I Past Events


       Oct. 6, 7, 8   Global Days of Remembrance and Action.   
Join the global call to wear black on October 6, 7, & 8 to remember the lives lost and to renounce violence in all its forms. 
Together, let’s dismantle oppression and strive for justice in Palestine/Israel.
  NJP/I action in Northfield: Monday, October 7, 4-5 pm 
    Gather with us in Ames Park at the corner of 5th Street and Hwy 3  
for a silent vigil as we remember the suffering that has happened in the past year.   
                Black ribbons will be provided to those attending.
                       You are welcome to bring signs and flags. 
   Wear black or a black ribbon or armband during these days:
October 6th,  Remember the past 76 years and renounce the mistreatment and suffering of the Palestinians from Israeli policies of expulsion, imprisonment, apartheid, siege, and occupation.
October 7th, Remember and renounce the violent attacks by Hamas that led to the hostage taking, the massacre of 1200 Israelis in a single day and the many crimes against Israeli civilians by Hamas and other Palestinian actors.
 October 8th, Remember and renounce the launch and continuation of the Israeli genocidal attack on Palestinians in Gaza including the injury and killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians.
 * The Global Days of Remembrance and Action campaign is initiated by Nonviolence International.
Join a discussion with Jeff Halper on what is going on in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel today and what should happen tomorrow. 
Jeff will open with some comments and then will reply to questions and comments.
Coffee and refreshments will be served.
Free and open to the public. 
                                   Sponsored by Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel.
Jeff Halper is an anti-colonial anthropologist, the head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) and a founding member of the One Democratic State Campaign. He is the author of War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification. (London: Pluto, 2015). His latest book is Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine: Zionism, Settler Colonialism and the Case for One Democratic State (London: Pluto, 2021). He is an Israeli-American Jew who grew up in Hibbing, MN, and has been teaching in Israel since 1973.  This month he has been giving talks in Minnesota on “From Genocide to Gaza to Decolonizing Palestine: Towards a Democratic State for All between the River and the Sea.” A recent article can be found at

2024 NAKBA Program  

Welcome – Fred Rogers

Greetings from Ahmed Tharwat of BelAhdan TV– Allison Schmitt

Story of the Nakba – Fred Rogers

Brief historical outline based on the book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

Ceremony of Naming the Palestinian Villages Depopulated and razed in 1948 and 2023-4

After each village name is read a bell will be rung, then attendees are invited to participate in the placing of Palestinian flags in the locations of the villages marked on the large map.

Moment of Silence

Time for Reflections and Comments

Mothers March – For everyone, not just mothers Walking in solidarity with Palestinian Mothers, especially those in Gaza who have had to walk many miles in recent months.

 !  All Out For Palestine !

Further opportunity for Northfield Ceasefire action: 

Northfield, MN Citizens Demand that City Council
Pass a Ceasefire Resolution
We are asking Northfield City Council to adopt a ceasefire resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza at its March 12, 2024, meeting.  Please lend your name to this ask by signing the petition and calling and emailing your City Council member.  Our collective voice is stronger than our individual voices.
From Amnesty International  The level of casualties and scale of destruction in the occupied Gaza Strip is unprecedented. Countless lives have been shattered, ripped apart, and upended. In January 2024 the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to implement six provisional measures to protect Palestinians in Gaza against a real risk of genocide.   
With each day that passes more lives are lost and the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is getting worse. 

on the South Africa filing.

We have had several requests to repeat the presentation. NJP/I hosted a replay of the
Jan 21 event on Jan 28 with live Q&A from the panel speakers at the end. Most people
who attended either one found this to be a powerful and informative experience.
We encourage you to watch these presentations, and share them with others, especially
with organized groups. We would be happy to discuss other showings with live or online
Q&A for any group that would like us to do so.

Calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Working for Peace.

NJP/I Core Committee and Presenters


NJP/I Presentation of June 2023 UN Report on Palestine

Tuesday, October 10, 2023  7:00 pm

First United Church of Christ, Northfield, 300 Union Street, Northfield

A presentation of the Report of the Special Rapporteur (Francesca Albanese) on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories since 1967 will be followed by discussion.

For over ten years now a stream of reports have appeared which have characterized the Israeli treatment of Palestine and the Palestinians as a system of apartheid.  Powerful though that single word might be, it does not come close to describing the full extent of Israel’s suppression of the Palestinians.  The most recent (2023) report on the situation, however, does.   If anyone has any doubts about the appalling nature of Israel’s control over the Palestinians, this report should settle the matter.

Francesca Albanese


NAKBA- Two May Events

  • May 10, 2022  Documentary & Discussion
  • May 14, 2022 Remembrance & Commemoration

Amnesty, Apartheid & Israel

  • April 5, 2022 – 7:00pm via Zoom

A discussion of Naila & the Uprising Dr. Ibtesam Al Atiyat 

  • March 10, 2022 – 7:00pm

A Health Care Perspective from Gaza: Dr. Nedaa Skeik

  • February 22, 2022


Peacestock: An Introduction to NJP/I

NJP/I Members Speak Their Mind:  Why We Work for NJP

  • February 18, 2021

Seven members of NJP/I briefly describe how they became involved with Palestinian justice issues and with NJP/I, some highlights of their involvement, and how they respond to questions or concerns about their work.

Passcode: Di1YG%ge

Personal Stories of the Nakba (The Catastrophe)

  • Saturday, May 15, 2021

This is an original NJP/I-produced Zoom event featuring three Palestinians sharing their family stories of their lives during the Nakba in 1948 when 750,000 Palestinians were forced to flee from their homes and villages when Israel declared statehood. 

Since 2014 NJP/I has held a moving live Nakba ceremony on Bridge Square in Northfield near the May 15 Nakba anniversary date. Those attending have participated in marking the locations of 450 of the depopulated and destroyed villages on a large map as the name of each village was read.
Access Passcode: nakba2021!

An NJP/I original: Interview with Saji Khalil commemorating the Nakba

Still Alive: A film and a discussion with Q&A

  • June 22, 2021

Gaza Still Alive, a documentary featuring journalist Harry Fear, reveals the mental health catastrophe among Palestinians in the impoverished Gaza Strip, after a decade of isolation from the world and amid ongoing war trauma.  This is the story of Gazans’ immense invisible suffering, through the eyes of ordinary civilians and the psychologists tasked with supporting them against all odds.

The discussion following the film is led by Deya’ Leonard Dressner of the Leonard Education Oppportunity. ( The Leonard Education Organizations (LE.O) supports under-resourced and underserved Palestinians — from Gaza, the West Bank, refugee camps — seeking higher education in the US and countries abroad.

For those who want to watch the film on their own:



  •   October 18th

A talk and conversation with Political Science Professor Virginia Tilley. “Apartheid, Liberation, Self-determination – What’s next for Palestine?”

Virginia Tilley

Professor of Political Science at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Virginia Tilley is one of the most informed and persuasive commentators on the current Palestine-Israeli conflict.  

Her interests and expertise are wide: she has studied ethnic conflict not only in Israel-Palestine, but also in Central America, South Africa and Oceania (the southwest Pacific). View Video Here





2017 — NJP/I 10th Anniversary Year

  • Other Anniversaries this year:
    • 10th Anniversary of Gaza Blockade
    • 50th Anniversary of the Occupation
    • 70th Anniversary of the Nakba
    • 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration
  • NJP/I 10th Anniversary Open House
  • NJP/I supports IRMEP?WRMEA conference: The Israeli Lobby and American Policy —
  • Nakba Remembrace Bridge Square    – Click to Watch Video of Event
  • Summer Film Series: click here for Film Series Flyer
  • Sa’ed Atshan presents Israel/Palestine:  Reflections from a Palestinian Quaker
  • Fall Event:  Perspectives on Palestine – Click to View Flyer
    • Speakers Bios: click here
    • Speakers
      • Dr. Mark Braverman – “Tipping Point? Politics, Zionism and the Call to the Church”
      • Nathan Stock – “Gaza and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” – Video
      • Jennifer Bing – “No way to Treat a Child” – Video
      • Panel Discussion – Video
  • NJP/I travel scholarship awarded
  • Book Group begun
  • Legislative visits begun








  • Our Story: The Palestinians, a Palestine photo exhibit, was shared and mounted at different venues
  • Demonstration on Bridge Square to protest the Israeli attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla
  • Summer Film series
  • Participated in International Day of Peace
  • Hosted Three Women from Jerusalem
  • Sponsor of the Sabeel Conference held at Luther Seminary, St Paul
  • A Palestine Fair held at the UCC Church
  • An event to support the Free Bethlehem Campaign
  • Presented “O Little Town of Bethlehem: What has Become of You?”
    • Film: “Bethlehem and the Wall”
    • Speaker: Peter Mann of Import Peace: Bethlehem Today
    • Speaker: Bill McGrath:
  • Continues legislative outreach with a visit to US Representative John Kline’s office and work with the MN Break the Bonds campaign


  • Bill McGrath speaks at the public library: President Obama and Justice and Peace in the Middle East
  • Individual NJP/I members involved in the Minnesota Break the Bonds campaign
  • Five week lecture series at the Methodist Church entitled “Towards an Understanding of the Palestine/Israel Conflict” with David Wildman speaking
  • Tabling at Just Foods to promote Palestinian Fair Trade
  • Palestinian olive oil sold at local co=op
  • Summer Film Series
  • NJP/I becomes a member of the US Campaign to End the Occupation
  • A display table to mark the International Day of Peace at St John’s Church
  • NJP/I subscribes to the Washington Report on Middle East Affair for the Northfield Public Library
  • Legislative visit to John Kline’s (US representative) office


  • Abigail Ozanne (Christian Peacemaker Team) spoke at St. Olaf
  • Anna Baltzer speaks at Carleton
  • Wheels of Justice visits Northfield
  • Father David Smith speaks at St. Dominic’s Catholic Church
  • Our Story: The Palestinians, a Palestine photo exhibit, was acquired and shared at different venues
  • Supported an Elder Collegium class on War and Peace in a Land Called Holy taught by Chuck Lutz
  • Began selling olive oil
  • Mahmoud Darwish, Palestinian poet dies on August 9th

Beginning in 2007

  • Summer Film
    • “The West Bank Story,”
      • with a Palestinian and a Jewish respondent
  • Rev. Mitri Raheb spoke at St. Olaf
  • November: Palestinian Fair, UCC Church with Michael and Carmen Zoughbi speaking and selling olive wood carvings

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