Northfielders for Justice in Palestine / Israel

NJP/I News & Upcoming Events

Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel (NJP/I) is a local community group whose aim is to educate and inform Northfield and the surrounding area about the ongoing occupation of Palestine and to advocate peace and justice for all people who live in Palestine and Israel.

What’s Next for Palestine?

Speaker: Jeff Halper  (In person)

Monday, July 8, 10 am CT

First UCC, 300 Union St.  (Assembly Room)

Northfield MN

Jeff Halper, photo by Toby Tabachnick

Join a discussion with Jeff Halper on what is going on in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel today and what should happen tomorrow. 
Jeff will open with some comments and then will reply to questions and comments.
Coffee and refreshments will be served.
Free and open to the public. 
                                   Sponsored by Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel.
Jeff Halper is an anti-colonial anthropologist, the head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) and a founding member of the One Democratic State Campaign. He is the author of War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification. (London: Pluto, 2015). His latest book is Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine: Zionism, Settler Colonialism and the Case for One Democratic State (London: Pluto, 2021). He is an Israeli-American Jew who grew up in Hibbing, MN, and has been teaching in Israel since 1973.  This month he has been giving talks in Minnesota on “From Genocide to Gaza to Decolonizing Palestine: Towards a Democratic State for All between the River and the Sea.” A recent article can be found at


Dozens gathered Saturday, May 11, to remember the Nakba, and to march in solidarity with mothers in Palestine. This link will take you to the comments given by Ahmed Tharwat of BelAhdan, Minnesota based television host, producer and filmmaker.

The Nakba is the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and land, and the destruction of Palestinian society during the creation of the State of Israel – a destruction that continues today – the ongoing Nakba.

We cannot hope to understand the present turmoil in the Holy Land – let alone achieve a just peace for all those who live there -without knowing  where and how this world-shaking conflict began: with the ethnic cleansing of indigenous people from their homeland.

2024 NAKBA Program  

Welcome – Fred Rogers

Greetings from Ahmed Tharwat of BelAhdan TV– Allison Schmitt

Story of the Nakba – Fred Rogers

Brief historical outline based on the book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

Ceremony of Naming the Palestinian Villages Depopulated and razed in 1948 and 2023-4

After each village name is read a bell will be rung, then attendees are invited to participate in the placing of Palestinian flags in the locations of the villages marked on the large map.

Moment of Silence

Time for Reflections and Comments

Mothers March – For everyone, not just mothers Walking in solidarity with Palestinian Mothers, especially those in Gaza who have had to walk many miles in recent months.

This walk will begin and end at Bridge Square andlast about ½ hour. Bring signs and flags.

The Nakba Bell

Jon Frasz began the NJP/I Nakba tradition of ringing a bell after
the reading of each village name. He continued this tradition
for many years, using his special indigenous bell. We grieve the
passing of Jon Frasz on 1/2/2024 and will miss his presence at
today’s Nakba event.

For this year’s Nakba event Ed Langerak will bring and ring his replica
of the Korean Emile Bell. Emile (em-ee-leh) means “mommy” in
ancient Silla Korean, and those who first heard the 8th century bronze
bell (the largest in Korea) thought they could hear the plaintive cry
of a young girl for her mother. This replica was made to try to imitate
that sound, so ringing it is fitting for our Nakba commemoration
and Mother’s Day.

(Photo courtesy of Margie O’loughlin)


About 100 supporters of Northfielders for Justice in Palestine and Israel (NJP/I) joined a Global Day of Action for Gaza on Saturday, March 3, 2024, to urge the Northfield City Council to demand an end to the bombing in Gaza by Israel military forces.

(Photo courtesy of Margie O’loughlin)

(Photo courtesy of Margie O’loughlin)

(Photo courtesy of Margie O’loughlin)

 !  All Out For Palestine !

Further opportunity for Northfield Ceasefire action: 

Northfield, MN Citizens Demand that City Council
Pass a Ceasefire Resolution
We are asking Northfield City Council to adopt a ceasefire resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza at its March 12, 2024, meeting.  Please lend your name to this ask by signing the petition and calling and emailing your City Council member.  Our collective voice is stronger than our individual voices.
From Amnesty International  The level of casualties and scale of destruction in the occupied Gaza Strip is unprecedented. Countless lives have been shattered, ripped apart, and upended. In January 2024 the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to implement six provisional measures to protect Palestinians in Gaza against a real risk of genocide.   
With each day that passes more lives are lost and the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is getting worse. 

On January 21 Northfielders for Justice in Palestine / Israel hosted a presentation
titled “Insights into Gaza & the West Bank” at the Northfield Public Library.

The three speakers were Bob Goonin, providing a Jewish perspective on the history of
the Zionist Project, Ashraf Askar, sharing the experience of a Palestinian growing up in
the West Bank, and Fred Rogers, reflecting on his recent visit to Gaza.

The Jan 21 recording is available for viewing as is a Feb 8 update by Bob Goonin reflecting on the subsequent ICJ ruling on the South Africa filing.

We have had several requests to repeat the presentation. NJP/I hosted a replay of the
Jan 21 event on Jan 28 with live Q&A from the panel speakers at the end. Most people
who attended either one found this to be a powerful and informative experience.
We encourage you to watch these presentations, and share them with others, especially
with organized groups. We would be happy to discuss other showings with live or online
Q&A for any group that would like us to do so.

Calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Working for Peace.

NJP/I Core Committee and Presenters

Free Online Palestine Focused Films

Northfielders for Justice in Palestine Israel (NJP/I) recommends the following two online sources of films related to the history, culture, and situation of the Palestinian people.

Monthly free films can be watched on your own time, after you have registered, then you may log on for a discussion of the film on the third Sunday of the month 2 pm CT.

Click here for link to Voices from the Holy Land

Weekly (Sat 11 am CT) films are offered at this site.  By joining the email list you will receive notices of  the up-coming  films each week where you can register to view the free films online. The films are followed by discussion.   

Click here for link to Palestine Museum


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