Northfielders for Justice in Palestine / Israel

NJP/I News & Upcoming Events

Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel (NJP/I) is a local community group whose aim is to educate and inform Northfield and the surrounding area about the ongoing occupation of Palestine and to advocate peace and justice for all people who live in Palestine and Israel.

Vigil on October 7, 2024, at Ames Park in Northfield

The following banners will be introduced at the Vigil on Oct. 7.
The banners were photographed on September 10, 2024, and will be updated for the Oct. 7th vigil.

       Oct. 6, 7, 8   Global Days of Remembrance and Action.   
Join the global call to wear black on October 6, 7, & 8 to remember the lives lost and to renounce violence in all its forms. 
Together, let’s dismantle oppression and strive for justice in Palestine/Israel.
  NJP/I action in Northfield: Monday, October 7, 4-5 pm 
    Gather with us in Ames Park at the corner of 5th Street and Hwy 3  
for a silent vigil as we remember the suffering that has happened in the past year.   
                Black ribbons will be provided to those attending.
                       You are welcome to bring signs and flags. 
   Wear black or a black ribbon or armband during these days:
October 6th,  Remember the past 76 years and renounce the mistreatment and suffering of the Palestinians from Israeli policies of expulsion, imprisonment, apartheid, siege, and occupation.
October 7th, Remember and renounce the violent attacks by Hamas that led to the hostage taking, the massacre of 1200 Israelis in a single day and the many crimes against Israeli civilians by Hamas and other Palestinian actors.
 October 8th, Remember and renounce the launch and continuation of the Israeli genocidal attack on Palestinians in Gaza including the injury and killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians.
 * The Global Days of Remembrance and Action campaign is initiated by Nonviolence International.

Dozens gathered Saturday, May 11, to remember the Nakba, and to march in solidarity with mothers in Palestine. This link will take you to the comments given by Ahmed Tharwat of BelAhdan, Minnesota based television host, producer and filmmaker.

The Nakba is the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and land, and the destruction of Palestinian society during the creation of the State of Israel – a destruction that continues today – the ongoing Nakba.

We cannot hope to understand the present turmoil in the Holy Land – let alone achieve a just peace for all those who live there -without knowing  where and how this world-shaking conflict began: with the ethnic cleansing of indigenous people from their homeland.

(Photo courtesy of Margie O’loughlin)


About 100 supporters of Northfielders for Justice in Palestine and Israel (NJP/I) joined a Global Day of Action for Gaza on Saturday, March 3, 2024, to urge the Northfield City Council to demand an end to the bombing in Gaza by Israel military forces.

(Photo courtesy of Margie O’loughlin)

(Photo courtesy of Margie O’loughlin)

(Photo courtesy of Margie O’loughlin)

Free Online Palestine Focused Films

Northfielders for Justice in Palestine Israel (NJP/I) recommends the following two online sources of films related to the history, culture, and situation of the Palestinian people.

Monthly free films can be watched on your own time, after you have registered, then you may log on for a discussion of the film on the third Sunday of the month 2 pm CT.

Click here for link to Voices from the Holy Land

Weekly (Sat 11 am CT) films are offered at this site.  By joining the email list you will receive notices of  the up-coming  films each week where you can register to view the free films online. The films are followed by discussion.   

Click here for link to Palestine Museum


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